

"The difference between the right word and almost the right word is the difference between lightning and the lightning bug."

- Mark Twain


Words are tools, (and for me toys as well) but tools with limitations. Marvelous for their ability to convey concepts and express feelings (even to the extent that the dancing phosphors on your monitor can relate my thoughts) words and language never have or will be capable of defining every thought or feeling that human beings can create. The power of words is in the value we give them and the understanding we share with one another. The strength of the impression that words can make depends on what words are chosen, and when and how they are used.

There are many people who have made an impression in my life and though I cannot name each one for lack of space and time, a few people that I have known in my life deserve mention.

First, I am very fortunate to have been raised by two very special people - my mother and father; who always did their best to teach us to do our best. Next, my brothers and sister who make our family relationship special no matter the time and distance that separate us. Also, my grandparents and aunts and uncles, who always made us feel a part of the extended family of cousins and relatives whenever we returned from our travels.

There are three others I wish to acknowledge. Bob Rubin, who gave me a gift I will always treasure - a sense of humor, or more importantly an appreciation for the value of humor. Bob could have been a standup comic, and some might say that he was though he worked in sales most of his life.
Jon Hilton for what he has taught me about the true meaning of generosity and giving back to the community, and Terry May for being a great mentor to me, but more importantly for being my good friend. The world, or at least my small part of it is a better place because of these people.

Here are a few links to some examples of my writing and the text to one of my enhanced narrative works:


MAU Sales Training

Everybody Sells *

The 5 P's*

Hide and Go Seek*

List for life



Small world, Big sky
strong sense of wonder I
am searching for the answers
to questions I have yet to find.

I walk a long road seldom travelled and empty
It leads to a place that I've never known

I walk a long road through forests of dreams
and pause to admire their beauty and grace
I walk a long road looking back, walking forward
I taste the strange voices in dusty trails of their passing

I walk a long road and like all those before me
I choose my steps slowly and walk very gently
for the path is narrow and steep.
It's a rough road to travel
the journey is long and the end is just one more beginning.

I walk a long road with a light that still shines
as I search for a dream that's not there.
The future is blurred
There's a cool breeze that haunts me
and I know I will get where I'm going.

Small world, Big sky
short time to live and die
I will leave it better than I found it
Not like a wave, but a ripple.

-Michael Hagerty

* (UPDATE - dead links until I find a new home)
also found on Sound as an MP3 file



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